Consolar Reference Projects
For more than 28 years, Consolar has been developing, producing and distributing highly efficient solar systems and energy supply systems. During this time, more than 40,000 systems with Consolar technology have been installed throughout Europe.
Whether on-roof assembly or front assembly – after consultation with the Consolar partner installer, solar collectors can be integrated into almost every existing architecture.

Project case studies
Town hall in Offenbach an der Queich
In the new town hall in Offenbach an der Queich, the energy supply will in future be provided by more than 100 SOLINK collectors. The building is the starting point for a cold district heating network, which is to supply other buildings in the neighbourhood.
In addition to supplying heat to the building, a meeting room is also to be air-conditioned via SOLINK. The system, with a 50 kW heat pump, was designed by Energie Südwest in Landau, who also oversee the construction and operation.
Apartment Building Karlsruhe Durlach
The apartment building (built in 1963) in Karlsruhe Durlach was renovated in 1995. As part of the renewal of the energy system, Stadtwerke Karlsruhe decided to use PVT SOLINK heat pump collectors with a 55 kW heat pump. 100 SOLINK collectors (200 m2) were installed in 2019 for the heating of the 35 residential units (living area 2300 m2) with energy from the sun and air; in addition, a gas boiler (90 kW ) takes over the supply during peak loads.
In order to better adapt the heating system for heat pumps and make it more efficient, almost one fifth of the radiators were replaced with larger radiators to reduce the supply temperature.

Commercial building with an apartment
A SOLINK system with 40 collectors is installed in Nürtingen. In combination with a 14 kW heat pump and a battery storage system, a commercial building with a self-contained residential apartment are supplied with heating and hot water.
The facility offers great views.
research station in Antarctica
Temperatures up to 50 degrees below zero, gusts of wind at speeds of up to 250 kilometres per hour, six months of absolute darkness and around the clock sunshine in summer — in Antarctica, the site of the Belgian climate research station, extreme climate conditions are nothing unusual. Under these circumstances, relying entirely on emission-free energy production is unique worldwide — and has been implemented with highly efficient Consolar technology.

Architectural home in Tübingen
The Schneider family from Tübingen was particularly demanding when building their own home: The client is a freelance architect and had set himself the goal of designing his new home as a zero-energy and zero-emission house.
The starting point for the Schneiders’ concept was the SOLAERA heating system with integrated ice store from Consolar. This form of solar heating enables up to 100% of heat demands to be covered by solar energy and can therefore heat completely CO2-emission-free.
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