EURO L20 AR Flat Plate Collector

EURO L20 AR – high performance flat plate collectors

Flat plate collectors for single and multi-family homes

Due to its construction and anti-reflective coating, EURO L20 AR is one of the most efficient flat plate collectors on the market. It can be used very flexibly and has a particularly appealing design. The collector is offered as black anodised or anodised aluminium.

High quality manufacture

The high-quality EURO L20 AR flat plate collectors are manufactured in Germany and are Solar Keymark certified.

Long lifetime

The sturdy aluminium frame, the laser-welded absorber made of copper and aluminum, the solar safety glass and the high-quality EPDM glass seal ensure a long service life.


The EURO collectors can be installed according to the local conditions: in portrait or landscape format, as an on-roof, in-roof, façade or free-standing solution.

Safe to install

With the TÜV-certified mounting system, the EURO collectors are particularly easy to set up and secure.

Perfection in detail

The individual components are optimally matched to each other. That‘s the secret of excellence!

The special nanostructure of the inside and outside of the anti-reflective glass reduces the reflection significantly and increases solar yield by up to 10%!

The powerful one

• 2.61 / 2.25 m² gross/net collector area
• Highly transparent anti-reflective glass
• Aluminium housing with gapless edges and 60 mm reverse side insulation
• Black or aluminium frame
• 1,289 / 1,083 kWh/a annual yield (Solar Keymark, Würzburg, Tm = 50 °C)


Due to the frameless, flat structure of the collector, material use and thus embodied energy arising from its production are minimised.
Enclosed air within the collector replaces unnecessary insulation very efficiently.



The EURO L20 collector carries the Solar Keymark quality label.

Technical specifications: EURO L20 AR

CollectorEURO L20 AR
AreaGross area 2.61 m²;
Aperture area 2.36 m²
Dimensions (L x W x H) 2,151 x 1,215 x 110 mm
GlassAntireflective glass, 𝜏 = 93.7%
AbsorberLaser-welded full surface absorber with vacuum selective coating;
𝛼 = 95 %; ε = 5 %
CasingAluminium with gapless edges and 60 mm reverse side insulation
ColourAluminium or black anodised
Yield per collector
(Solar Keymark,
Würzburg, Tm = 50 °C)
1,289 kWh/a
Installation typesOn-roof, in-roof, facade and freestanding installation in portrait or
landscape format
Weight48 kg